Space Elevator | STUDY POINT~高校授業編~

Space Elevator


Space Elevator

(Part 1)
“If I were an astronaut, I could go into space.” A lot of people dream of
traveling in space. But not everyone can be an astronaut. A lot of excellent
people try to get into space flight programs every year, but only a few of them are
selected. Even if they are selected, they have to survive the hard training. In
the end, only a very few can achieve this dream.
However, they should not give up their dream too quickly. Now there is
promising scientific technology that may take us into space more easily. It is
called “the space elevator.” Shuichi Ohno, the president of the Japan Space
Elevator Association (JSEA), said, “Just like traveling abroad, anyone will be able
to ride the elevator into space.” This sounds like a scene from a science fiction
story. According to the JSEA, however, this could become a reality by the middle
of this century.

(Part 2)
How will the space elevator be built? First, a stationary satellite will be
launched to a point about 36,000 km above the Earth’s equator. This is the place
where the Earth’s gravity and the centrifugal force are in balance. Next, a cable
will be stretched downward from the satellite, and upward as well to keep the
balance. The downward part of the cable will finally reach the Earth’s surface.
When the elevator is attached to this cable, it will be able to climb up and down
along the cable.
How long will it take to go into space on the space elevator? The elevator is
expected to run on electricity at 200–300 km per hour. Therefore, the elevator
will take one or two hours to reach the height of the ISS, about 400 km above the
Earth. In order to reach the stationary satellite about 36,000 km above the
Earth, the elevator will take about one week. If linear motor technology is used,
the travel time will become much shorter.

(Part 3)
The space elevator needs an extremely long cable. It must be about 100,000
km long. That is about eight times as long as the Earth’s diameter! Such a long
cable will be broken by the pull of the Earth’s gravity and the centrifugal force.
Therefore, the cable has to be more than 100 times as strong as steel. Until the
1990s, no one knew what kind of material would be strong enough for this cable.
This had been the biggest problem in the development of the space elevator.
In 1991, Dr. Sumio Iijima, a Japanese scientist, discovered a potential material
for the cable of the space elevator. It is called a “carbon nanotube.” If this
material did not exist, the space elevator would remain only in science fiction.
Carbon nanotubes are made of carbon and are the lightest and strongest material
on Earth. They are about 50,000 times as thin as a human hair and 100–150
times as strong as steel. However, there is one problem with carbon nanotubes.
They are still very expensive because they can only be produced in tiny amounts.
As a result, many researchers are working hard to make their mass production

(Part 4)
At present, in order to go into space, we have to use rockets. They require
huge amounts of fossil fuel. On the other hand, the space elevator is much more
energy-saving and eco-friendly. Although the space elevator may use a lot of
electricity when it goes up, it can also produce electricity when it comes down.
That electricity can be stored in a battery and used when the elevator goes up
again. The cost of a single trip on the space elevator may be about a hundred
times lower than that of a trip on a rocket. In addition, unlike rockets, the space
elevator itself will not produce any carbon dioxide.
With the space elevator, space travel may no longer be a dream. Someday in
the future, even elderly people and children may be able to go into space without
any special training. Also, the space elevator has even more potential. It might
become a gateway to other planets. Imagine going into space on the space
elevator, changing to a space ship, and starting on a journey to Mars or Jupiter.
Such an exciting experience may not be so far in the future.

Lesson 9 Lesson 9 宇宙エレベーター

(Part 1)
ターに乗って宇宙へ行くことができるようになるでしょう。」これは SF 小説の一場
面のように聞こえるかもしれません。しかし JSEA によれば,これは今世紀半ばまで

(Part 2)
の赤道上空約 36,000 キロの地点に打ち上げられます。ここは地球の重力と遠心力が
釣り合っている場所です。次に,衛星から 1 本のケーブルが下向きに伸ばされ,バラ
ベーターは時速 200~300 キロで電気で動くと予想されています。したがって,エレ
ベーターが地上約 400 キロにある ISS の高度に到達するのに 1,2 時間かかることに
なります。エレベーターが地上約 36,000 キロの静止衛星に到達するためには,約 1

(Part 3)
宇宙エレベーターは極端に長いケーブルを必要とします。そのケーブルは約 10 万
キロなくてはなりません。それは地球の直径のおよそ 8 倍の長さです!そのような長
ケーブルは鋼鉄の 100 倍以上の強度がなくてはなりません。1990 年代まで,どんな
1991 年,日本人科学者の飯島澄男博士が,宇宙エレベーターのケーブルに適した,
ます。もしこの素材が存在しなかったなら,宇宙エレベーターは SF の中だけにとど
も軽くて最も強度のある物質です。それは人間の髪の毛の約 50,000 倍細く,鋼鉄の
100~150 倍の強度があります。しかし,カーボンナノチューブに関して 1 つ問題が

(Part 4)
による1回の旅行の費用は,ロケットによる旅行の費用よりおよそ 100 倍安いかもし
