Friendship over Time
(Part 1)
On March 17th, 1985, during the Iran-Iraq War, Iraq suddenly announced,
“Forty-eight hours from now, we will shoot down any airplanes flying over Iran.”
Foreign people in Iran began to return home in a hurry on the airlines of their
home countries. Unfortunately, at that time, there was no regular airline
service between Iran and Japan.
The Japanese embassy in Iran made every effort to get seats on foreign airlines.
However, they gave top priority to the people of their home countries and refused
to accept the Japanese passengers. More than 200 Japanese people were left in
Iran. Just when they were losing hope of going home, the Japanese embassy
received a phone call: “Turkish Airlines will offer special seats for the Japanese
people left in Iran.” Two planes from Turkey appeared in the sky and helped the
Japanese out of Iran. It was one hour and fifteen minutes before the deadline.
The next day the Japanese media took the rescue up as their top news.
However, they did not know the real reason why Turkey saved the Japanese at
the risk of being shot down. The Turkish ambassador to Japan explained later,
“One of the reasons is that the Turkish people have good feelings toward the
Japanese people. This is because of the Ertugrul accident in 1890.” What was
the Ertugrul accident? It goes back to the Meiji era in Japan.
(Part 2)
On September 16th, 1890, a strong typhoon hit Oshima Island, Wakayama.
Stormy winds began to blow against Kashinozaki Lighthouse, which stood on a
steep cliff at the eastern edge of Oshima.
In the evening, a big man rushed into the lighthouse keepers’ room. He was
all wet, covered with blood, and clearly not Japanese. The keepers soon
understood that an accident had happened at sea. “Whose ship are you on? How
many crew members do you have?”
The keepers couldn’t make themselves understood in Japanese.
The keepers took out a book which had pictures of national flags. The injured
man slowly pointed his finger at the red flag with a white crescent moon and a
star in its center.
“This flag … Turkey!”
With gestures, the Turkish man told them that the ship had sunk and all the crew
had been thrown into the sea. He had managed to swim to the beach and climb
up the cliff.
The villagers, who heard of the accident from the lighthouse keepers, quickly
began to rescue the other crew members. But it was dangerous work in the
middle of a typhoon. Some villagers pulled the injured crew members up the cliff
by rope. Others climbed up the steep cliff, carrying the large Turkish people on
their shoulders. After that, they took their clothes off and, with their bodies,
warmed the survivors shivering with cold.
(Part 3)
The name of the Turkish ship was “the Ertugrul.” It was an old-fashioned
wooden warship with about 650 crew members. The accident happened on the
way from Yokohama to Kobe. There were only 69 survivors. If the villagers
had not helped them, all the crew would have lost their lives.
Although the poor villagers did not have enough food for themselves, they
offered precious rice and sweet potatoes to the survivors. Even the women and
children gave their own clothes to the naked crew members. When they ran out
of food, the villagers even gave them the chickens which were kept to tell time.
Although the villagers did not know any Turkish at all, they encouraged the
injured survivors in Japanese and took care of them for three days. The Turkish
people thanked the villagers with all their hearts and kept the kindness of the
villagers in their minds.
(Part 4)
Early on the morning of September 20th, a German warship arrived at Oshima
to take the survivors to Kobe. At noon they were seen off by the villagers, who
had taken care of them until just a few minutes before.
“Get home safely.”
All the crew that could walk on their own came onto the deck. They waved
good-bye to the villagers until the port was out of sight.
After a month’s stay in Kobe, the 69 Turkish survivors left Japan for their
home on two Japanese warships on October 11th, 1890. They arrived safely in
Turkey on January 2nd, 1891. A lot of Japanese people learned about the
accident through the newspapers and sent money to the families of the dead crew
Now we understand why the Turkish government decided to rescue the
Japanese people during the Iran-Iraq War. The Ertugrul story has been passed
on for generations in Turkey and its people keep a strong friendship with the
Japanese. The Ertugrul brought Japan and Turkey together. The bridge
between the two countries has grown over time.
Lesson 10 Lesson 10 時を超えた友情
(Part 1)
1985 年 3 月 17 日,イラン・イラク戦争の最中,イラクが突然こう発表しました。
「今から 48 時間後,イラン上空を飛行中のいかなる航空機も撃墜する。」イランに
ンと日本の間に飛行機の定期便は 1 つもありませんでした。
した。200 人を超える日本人がイランに取り残されました。彼らが故郷へ帰る希望を
なくしかけたまさにそのとき,日本大使館は 1 本の電話を受けました。「トルコ航空
がイランに取り残された日本人のための特別席を提供します。」トルコから来た 2 機
の飛行機が空に現れ,イランから日本人を助け出しました。最終期限の 1 時間 15 分
ませんでした。駐日トルコ大使は後日,次のように説明しました。「その理由の 1 つ
は,トルコ人が日本人に対してよい感情を持っていることです。これは 1890 年のエ
(Part 2)
1890 年 9 月 16 日,強い台風が和歌山県の大島を襲いました。暴風が樫野崎灯台に
(Part 3)
トルコ艦の名前は「エルトゥールル号」といいました。それは乗組員約 650 名を乗
はわずか 69 名でした。もし村人たちが彼らを助けていなかったなら,乗組員全員が
気づけ,3 日間世話をしました。トルコ人は村人たちに心から感謝し,村人たちの親
(Part 4)
9 月 20 日の早朝,ドイツの軍艦が生存者を神戸へ連れて行くために大島に到着し
神戸に 1 か月滞在したあと,69 名のトルコ人生存者は,1890 年 10 月 11 日,日本
の軍艦 2 隻で故郷に向けて日本を発ちました。1891 年 1 月 2 日,彼らは無事トルコ
号が日本とトルコを結びつけたのです。2 つの国に架けられた橋は時を超えて大きく