Lesson 1 Rakugo in English!
– Laughter is the best communication –
Part 1
Katsura Kaishi is a professional rakugo performer. He performs English rakugo in
many foreign countries. Three Japanese high school students and their ALT are
interviewing him.
1 ALT: Why did you start doing English rakugo, Kaishi?
Kaishi: Because I want to share Kaishi rakugo with people all over the world. If you
perform rakugo only in Japanese, you can share this wonderful part of Japanese
culture only with people in Japan.
2 ALT: I see. How many countries have you performed in?
Kaishi: Well, I have performed English Kaishi rakugo in more than 100 cities in over 20
countries, and the number is increasing.
ALT: More than 100 cities? That’s amazing! ALT
Part 2
3 Student 1 Student 1 Student 1: Did you have any trouble when you performed in those foreign
Kaishi: Yes, I did. In New York, I had to sit on a Kaishi table with only one leg because
there was no stage. The performer must sit higher than the audience in rakugo.
In Chicago, when I said “Hello” as one of the characters, the audience thought I
was talking to them, and they said “Hello” back to me. They didn’t know the
performer looks right and left to perform different characters.
4 Student 1 Student 1 Student 1: That’s very funny. Is it difficult for people from foreign countries to
understand the humor of rakugo?
Kaishi: No. Kaishi Rakugo is not just short jokes but a story, and rakugo stories are about
our everyday life and everyday characters. Even if we live in different countries
and have different cultures, human lifestyles are not so different.
Part 3
5 Student 2 Student 2 Student 2: Do you think Japanese people can enjoy English rakugo, too?
Kaishi: Yes, I think so. Japanese people get nervo Kaishi us if they think it is an English
listening test. However, rakugo is not like that at all. Rakugo is an art of words,
expressions, and actions. It is easy to understand. You will laugh naturally.
6 Student 2 Student 2 Student 2: That’s good to know. Then, do you think performing English rakugo
helps improve your English?
Kaishi: Of course it helps! When you talk to foreig Kaishi n people, you cannot be sure they
understand your English. In rakugo, however, if the person is laughing, then
that means they understood your English. It is a great pleasure to make yourself
understood in English. Laughter is the best communication, and enjoying
communication helps improve your English.
Part 4
7 Student 3 Student 3 Student 3: What did you learn from performing English rakugo in foreign
Kaishi: When I performed English Kaishi rakugo in India, I told a joke about a cow.
However, cows are sacred animals in that country, so some people got angry at me.
Through this experience, I learned that being able to speak English is not enough.
Respecting the culture of the people you are talking to is also important.
8 Student 3 Student 3 Student 3: I see. Do you have a message for high school students in Japan?
Kaishi: Sure. I often perform Kaishi rakugo in other countries. I realize that many
people speak English as a second or foreign language. That means if you can
speak English, you can communicate with people from many different countries.
I hope you will enjoy learning English and spread your wings to travel throughout
the world!
Lesson 1 英語で落語! ~笑いは最良のコミュニケーション~
Part 1
3人の日本人の高校生と彼らの ALT が,かい枝さんにインタビューしています。
1 ALT:かい枝さんは,なぜ英語落語をやり始めたのですか。
かい枝:世界中の人々と落語を共有したいからです。日本語だけで落語を公演すると, かい枝:
2 ALT:なるほど。いくつの国で公演してきたのですか。
かい枝:そうですね,20 か国を超える 100 以上の都市で英語落語を公演してきましたが, かい枝:
ALT:100 以上の都市で? それはすごいですね!
Part 2
3 生徒1:そういった海外の国々で公演するときに,何か苦労したことはありますか。
かい枝:はい。(たとえば)ニューヨークではステージがなかったので,私は1本脚の かい枝:
4 生徒1:それはとても愉快ですね。外国の人々が落語のユーモアを理解することは
かい枝:いいえ。落語は単なる短い冗談ではなくお話ですし,落語は私たちの日常生活 かい枝:
Part 3
5 生徒2:日本人も英語落語を楽しめると思いますか。
かい枝:はい,そう思います。日本人は,それが英語のリスニングテストだと思うと緊 かい枝:
6 生徒2:それを聞けてよかったです。では,英語落語を行うことは英語力を向上さ
かい枝:もちろんです! 外国人と話すとき,あなたの英語を彼らが理解しているか, かい枝:
Part 4
7 生徒3:外国で英語落語を行うことから何を学びましたか。
かい枝:インドで英語落語をやったとき,私は牛について冗談を言いました。でも,牛 かい枝:
8 生徒3:なるほど。日本の高校生に対するメッセージはありますか。
かい枝:もちろんです。私はよくほかの国々で落語をやります。多くの人々が,第二言 かい枝: