Playing the Enemy – The game that changed a nation – | STUDY POINT~高校授業編~

Playing the Enemy – The game that changed a nation –


Lesson 10 Playing the Enemy
– The game that changed a nation –

Part 1
1 The final game of the 1995 Rugby World Cup in South Africa was one of the most
exciting international games for most people in the world. However, it meant more
than that to South Africans. All the people of the country, of many different races,
were watching the game with much hope for the future. People who were once
enemies were cheering together for their national team.

2 In South Africa, black people had long been discriminated against under a
system called apartheid. They could not receive good education, find work, or live
in certain areas that were only for white people. Eventually, people who were
against this idea grew in number both inside and outside the country. Nelson
Mandela was leading a group of such people when he was taken away by the police
and put in prison. He was kept in a small cell for 27 years until he was finally freed
in 1990.

3 Mandela became the president of South Africa in 1994. In that same year,
apartheid came to an end. However, black people could not forget the hard times
they had been suffering for many years. At that time, white people were afraid
that black people would strike back at them. They were far from becoming friends.
In fact, they were only a step away from war.

4 To solve this problem, Mandela thought he could use sports to make people feel
closer to one another. He chose rugby. In South Africa, rugby was a “white
people’s sport.” Black people hated the Springboks, South Africa’s national team,
so much that they did not cheer for their team but cheered for foreign teams.
Mandela thought if people of different colors played a sport together, or cheered for
the same team together, they could become closer.

Part 2
5 Pienaar, who led the Springboks, and the other players supported Mandela’s idea
and tried to understand what he meant by “One Team, One Country.”
6 The team members came to understand Mandela’s feelings better when they
took a trip to the prison island where he had been in captivity. This island was still
being used as a prison. The players saw the cell where Mandela had to stay for
such a long time. They entered the cell, one or two at a time, because it could not
hold any more than that. Seeing that tiny room, they truly realized what white
people had done to black people in the past.

7 After seeing Mandela’s cell, the Springbok players met the prisoners there, who
were all black people. The prisoners said that they had been listening on the radio
to the Springboks’ games against a British team. Hearing this, the players told
them they were now representing the whole country, and then the prisoners began
singing a song for the players. The prisoners were trying to forgive their enemies.
However, for many people, it was difficult to forget the past and support the team.

Part 3
8 The atmosphere gradually changed as the team achieved one victory after
another. Black people who did not even know the rules of rugby before the World
Cup became interested in playing it with white people. The better the Springboks
played, the more black people began playing rugby. At last, the whole nation was
following the games and supporting the Springboks. More and more people began
to wave their new national flag, which meant the real end of apartheid.

9 The team finally met the All Blacks from New Zealand in the final. Five
minutes before the game, Nelson Mandela stepped out onto the field to shake hands
with the players. He was wearing the green Springbok cap and uniform. When
the people saw him, they went dead still. Then a chant began, low at first, but
rising quickly in volume and intensity. The crowd of white people, as one nation,
began chanting, “Nel-son! Nel-son!” over and over again. It was a magic moment.

Part 4
10 To make people remember that game, the Springboks had to win it. The score at
the end of the first 40 minutes was 9-6 in favor of South Africa. In the second half,
however, the All Blacks scored, and regular play ended with the score tied at 9-9.
For the first time in the Rugby World Cup, the game had to go into overtime, with
two halves of ten minutes each. Physically and mentally the players were very
tired, but Pienaar said to his teammates, “Look around you. See those flags? Play
for those people. We have to do this for South Africa.” Six minutes before the end of
the game, South Africa finally dropped a goal, which led to victory.

11 A TV reporter came over to Pienaar on the field and asked, “What did it feel like
to have 62,000 fans supporting you here in the stadium?”
12 He replied, “We didn’t have 62,000 fans behind us. We had 43 million South
Africans.” There were no old flags in the stadium. Everybody—in tears—was
waving the new national flag.

Lesson 10 敵と対戦して ~国を変えた試合~
Part 1
1 南アフリカでの 1995 年ラグビー・ワールドカップ決勝戦は,世界の大部分の人々に

2 南アフリカでは,アパルトヘイトと呼ばれるシステムのもとで,黒人が長い間差別
察に連行され,刑務所に入れられた。彼は,1990 年にようやく解放されるまで,27 年

3 マンデラは,1994 年に南アフリカの大統領になった。その同年に,アパルトヘイト

4 この問題を解決するべく,人々にお互いにより親密になってもらうために,マンデ

Part 2
5 スプリングボクスのリーダーを務めていたピナールとほかの選手たちが,マンデラ
6 チームのメンバーは,マンデラが収容されていた監獄島へ旅行したときに,彼の気

7 マンデラの独房を見学した後,スプリングボクスの選手たちは,そこにいた囚人た

Part 3
8 その雰囲気は,チームが次々に勝利するにつれて,次第に変わっていった。ワール

9 チームはついに,決勝戦でニュージーランドのオールブラックスと対戦した。試合
く激しくなった。白人の群衆が1つの国として,「ネル・ソン! ネル・ソン!」と何

Part 4
10 その試合を人々の記憶に残るものにするために,スプリングボクスは試合に勝たな
ければならなかった。前半 40 分が終わったときの得点は9対6で,南アフリカが優勢
了した。ラグビー・ワールドカップ史上初めて,試合は前後半 10 分ずつの延長戦へと
ムメイトに言った。「周りを見てくれ。あの旗が見えるだろう? あの人たちのために
戦おう。おれたちは南アフリカのために,やらなきゃならないんだ。」 試合終了の6

11 テレビのレポーターが,競技場にいたピナールのもとへやってきてたずねた。「この
スタジアムで6万 2,000 人のファンに応援される気分はどうでしたか?」
12 ピナールは答えた。「応援してくれたのは6万 2,000 人のファンではありません。
4,300 万人の南アフリカ国民です。」 スタジアムには古い国旗は1つもなかった。みん
