Lesson 4 Life in a Jar
– Irena Sendler’s unknown story –
Part 1
1 Irena Sendler may be an unfamiliar name to many people, but she was a hero
who stood up to the Nazis and saved the lives of about 2,500 Jewish children
during World War II.
2 By 1942 the Germans had put about 450,000 Jews into the Ghetto, an area of
about 3.4 square kilometers, in Warsaw. Irena was a Polish social worker in the
city. Wearing nurse uniforms, she and her colleagues went into the Ghetto with
food, clothes, and medicine to help the people. It soon became clear, however,
that the final destination of many of the Jews in the Ghetto was the death camps.
Irena’s group decided to save as many children as possible.
Part 2
3 They realized that telling parents to part with their children was a horrible
task. In later life Irena remembered the sad faces of Jewish mothers having to be
separated from their children. “We saw terrible scenes. Sometimes fathers
agreed, but mothers didn’t. We had to leave those unfortunate families without
taking their children from them. I’d go back there the next day and often found
that everyone had been taken to the death camps.”
4 The fortunate children were taken out in potato sacks or coffins. Others were
buried in goods. Separated from their parents and given new names, those
children were taken to families and religious groups willing to help and risk their
own lives. Older children were taught Christian prayers so that their Jewish
heritage would not be noticed.
5 Not wanting to lose their family records, Irena kept lists of the names of all the
children she saved. She was hoping that she could one day reunite them with
their families.
Part 3
6 One night in 1943, Irena’s house was attacked by the German police. She
wanted to throw the lists out of the window but couldn’t. The whole house was
surrounded by Germans, so she threw them to her colleague and opened the door.
There were 11 soldiers, who severely damaged the house. The lists of names were
saved because her colleague had hidden them in her own underwear.
7 The Nazis took Irena to a prison and tortured her. Although she was badly
injured, she refused to tell them about the helpers or children she had saved.
Finally, she was sentenced to death.
8 Just in time, her colleague bribed a guard, and she managed to escape and met
her friends. Having retrieved her lists of names, she buried them in jars under
an apple tree in a friend’s garden.
Part 4
9 The lists provided about 2,500 names, and after the war she tried to reunite
the children with their families. Most of the parents, however, had been gassed
in the death camps.
10 Her life and work were not known for a long time. However, a group of
American schoolgirls in Kansas happened to find out about her, and they wrote a
play called Life in a Jar in 2000. It was performed more than 200 times in the US
and also in many other countries.
11 Although the play was successful, Irena was not very happy. She said, “We are
not some kind of heroes. That term irritates me greatly. The opposite is true; I
continue to regret that I did so little. I could have done more. This regret will
follow me to my death.”
Lesson 4 瓶の中の命 ~イレーナ・センドラーの知られざる物語~
Part 1
1 イレーナ・センドラーは,多くの人々にとってはなじみの薄い名前かもしれないが,
彼女は第二次世界大戦中,ナチスに立ち向かい,およそ 2,500 人のユダヤ人の子どもた
2 1942 年までに,ドイツ人たちは約 45 万人のユダヤ人たちを,ワルシャワの約 3.4
Part 2
3 彼らは,子どもたちを手放すように親たちに言うことがとてもつらい仕事だという
4 幸運な子どもたちは,ジャガイモ袋や棺に入れて運び出された。商品の中に隠され
5 子どもたちの家族の記録を失いたくなかったので,イレーナは,彼女が救ったすべ
Part 3
6 1943 年のある夜,イレーナの家がドイツ警察に襲われた。彼女はリストを窓から外
女はそれを同僚に投げて扉を開けた。兵士は 11 人いて,彼らは家をひどく傷つけた。
7 ナチスはイレーナを監獄に連行し,彼女を拷問した。彼女はひどいけがを負ったが,
8 すんでのところで,彼女の仲間が看守にわいろを渡し,彼女はかろうじて逃げるこ
Part 4
9 リストにはおよそ 2,500 人の名前が書かれており,終戦後,彼女は子どもたちと彼
10 彼女の人生や仕事については,長いこと知られていなかった。しかし,カンザス州
に住むアメリカの女子生徒たちのグループが彼女について偶然知り,2000 年に「瓶の
中の命」と呼ばれる劇を書いた。それはアメリカやほかの多くの国々で,200 回以上も
11 劇は成功したが,イレーナはあまり満足していなかった。彼女は次のように言った。